working from home

Online Tools for Work-from-home Insurance Agents

Are your insurance agents working from home these days? Then you might find collaboration, project management, and productivity more challenging.

To help address these issues, consider using the following online tools:

1. Zoom

Zoom is one of the most popular video conferencing platforms today. With its features, you can:

  • Launch a webinar series since it can accommodate up to 100 participants
  • Conduct one-on-one meetings, which is excellent for pitching or onboarding
  • Create virtual events that last for 40 minutes
  • Stream presentations and videos
  • Engage the audience and customers in a more secure environment
  • Reach out to team members at any time
  • Schedule Zoom meetings conveniently since you can integrate the app to different calendars

2. CRM Suite

With the pandemic around, insurance agents need to be ready for claims and possible higher demand for products and services. This is where customer relationship management suites like Smart Agent are helpful.

CRMS are platforms that let you manage all customer accounts in a single interface. This prevents or reduces errors, speeds up team productivity, and, most of all, allows insurance companies to respond to customer needs fast.

Before, CRMs are legacy software. Today, they are already cloud-based, so anyone with access can see the data anytime, anywhere. The best ones, though, offer the highest level of online security or encryption to ensure the stored information isn’t compromised.

3. Evernote

Evernote is a multifunctional platform that allows users to store data from images to texts, take notes, archive documents and media files, create task lists, and run a project, to name a few.

As an insurance agent, you can use it to:

  • Clip articles or white papers that can help in your market, industry, or brand research
  • Break down large projects into smaller tasks and share them with the team
  • Organize your personal and work schedule
  • Create marketing campaigns and target market profiles
  • Share and edit files

Evernote is cloud-based and mobile-based, so it’s easy to access anywhere. Further, it auto-syncs changes, so everyone can see the modifications in real-time.

4. Canva

man working on the laptop

Most insurance companies now market themselves online, especially on social media like Facebook and Instagram. However, these platforms remain visually driven. Those with impactful photos sell better.

To create unique graphic designs even when you don’t have any experience with it, use Canva. This platform contains dozens of templates for various projects: Facebook ads or cover photos, Instagram posts, online brochures or posters, and blog posts.

You can use your media assets or choose from what’s available in the program, some of which are free. With Canva, you can open a premium account to collaborate with the team.

5. Google Drive

Although many apps on the list promote collaboration, they cannot handle larger and more complex files. For that, you need something bigger, like Google Drive.

With Google Drive, you can:

  • Upload a variety of shareable files, even the heavy ones like videos and images
  • Allow the rest of the team to comment and edit documents in real time
  • Create and share spreadsheets and presentations
  • Organize files according to categories
  • Limit access to specific files or folders by granting permission to limited individuals

Running an insurance agency in this pandemic isn’t going to be easy, but with these tools, it will be manageable.

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