online class

Innovations in the Education Industry

The pandemic compelled more than 100,000 schools to close when it started over a year ago. These closures affected more than 55 million students across the country and forced them to attend classes online. The video conferencing software available in the market facilitated this situation.

The software is among the many tech innovations that helped the education industry cope with the current health crisis. There are a lot more innovations that educators and students can look forward to. Here are some of those tech innovations that facilitate learning and make it more immersive.

Flexible and Interactive Displays

Many students these days are not taking down notes anymore with the advent of laptops. While typing notes is faster than writing them, laptops have also become sources of distraction as students may be tempted to click on the social media icon on their screen. A recent study showed that note-taking offers more benefits to students than using a laptop in class. Since the students today prefer using technology, it will be challenging to convince them to go back to taking down notes in class.

But OLED-based, flexible displays can remedy this situation. These displays are durable, flexible, lightweight, and interactive. They are also extremely thin that allows the students to fold them or roll them into tubes to make it easier to bring them around. The students can yap and swipe on these displays and it merges traditional paper with the latest digital technologies in the market today.

Interactive Touch Screen Displays

The classroom of the past used to have blackboards, whiteboards, and overhead projectors. Some even had video projectors connected to a computer. But the latest innovation in the education industry is an interactive touch screen display. These displays can generate different combinations of videos, images, and sounds that facilitate education.

But these screen displays can detect multiple touch inputs from different students in the classroom. This will allow the students to collaborate as they learn a topic in class. Additionally, they can manipulate virtual objects in real-time. While the device has yet to enter the market, it has a huge potential for the students once schools start holding in-person classes at the start of the school year.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) offer a lot of potential in the education industry. The two technologies enhance the learning experience for the students. VR creates an artificial environment where the students can conduct experiments. On the other hand, AR allows the students to become more knowledgeable about certain topics in class.

VR uses a head-mounted display to bring the students to a different world. On the other hand, AR makes use of smartphones and tablets to allow the students to see an enhanced version of their current environment. Both technologies offer a lot of potential in improving the learning environment.

Additionally, the use of VR and AR gives rise to extended reality or XR technology in education. The technology immerses students in a unique learning environment that allows them to experience while getting educated.

3D Printing

3d printing

The use of a 3D printer in an academic environment is beneficial to students, particularly among engineering students. The device allows the students to create prototypes of their projects. The device also allows the students to test engineering design principles using mini-models. This allows the students to create a perfect design for their projects.

The cost of 3D printers has gone down compared to when they were first introduced in the market years ago. Due to this, teachers can reconstruct concept models that facilitate the teaching of theoretical concepts. This is particularly important if the students are visual learners. Seeing a visual representation of a theoretical concept allows them to learn faster and grasp the concept in class.

For instance, students find it challenging to visualize molecular structures. But if the teacher 3D prints a physical version, the students can turn abstract thought into something they can visualize, which enhances education.

Cloud Computing

Many industries use cloud computing to facilitate their work and improve productivity. The education sector can also use technology to provide access to the resources available in the school. It can reduce the need for bringing heavy books to school. The students can access their lessons that the teacher can upload into the cloud.

Additionally, cloud computing also facilitates the completion of homework. Instead of writing or printing their homework, the students can simply upload it into the cloud. It also reduces the use of paper, which makes the technology eco-friendly.

The latest developments in technology will facilitate the learning process and allow the students to become educated through experience.

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