a variety of produce

The Best Approaches to Marketing Organic and Natural Products

Nowadays, a whole new range of organic and natural products are taking the place of chemical-based ones. Be it organic foods or natural cosmetics, there is an enormous market of these products emerging because of the rising environmental and health-consciousness of people. The outstanding benefits of these products have led many people across the globe to integrate them into their daily lives.

The National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA conducted a 2019 Organic Survey that revealed some interesting numbers about the market. The report says that there has been a total sale of $9.93bn organic products in 2019—marking a $2.37bn (31 percent) rise from 2016’s figure. Also, there were about 16,585 organic farms in 2019, a decent 17% rise from 2016 (source).

Given the environmental and socio-economic benefits of organic and natural products, producers’ and consumers’ attitudes towards these products are quite positive. In the 21st century, there are many marketing trends emerging for these products—be an aluminum-free deodorant or 100% natural pet foods, or organic farm produce. The aim of these marketing approaches is to inform, educate, and draw consumers towards these brands and provide them with something positively life-changing.

two people picking vegetables

Here are a few tips that organic and natural products brands should follow for success:

  1. Crafting a robust merchandising strategy

The first step in the approach is to know clearly what organic and natural products they are going to sell. What is the ‘space requirement’ for these products? Coming with a good merchandising strategy will give these brands the much-needed prominence, especially when they are new to the market. Choosing an integrated merchandising approach or even a store-within-a-store provision can help them greatly. The key to successful merchandising lies in creating place utility for consumers, meaning, making products available at a place most suited to them.

  1. Taking care of communication

For organic and natural products to become mainstream, it’s important for brands to craft and convey trustworthy messaging that aligns with consumers’ psyche. Be it a television commercial, print ad, flyer, or brochure, every piece of communication should reflect the benefits in store for consumers of these products—whether it’s an aluminum-free deodorant, cosmetics, or food items. Until and unless the communication is reliable, there will always be an air of doubt. So, brands have to keep their messaging simple, clear, and understandable. At the same time, they should create promotional materials that generate awareness and curiosity, as well as position the brand strongly in the market.

  1. Going social

The present times are all about digital technologies and connectivity. Social media networks—be it Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and the likes—have emerged as extremely beneficial tools for organic and natural product brands. Consumers are now using these networks more than ever, and it would be a golden opportunity for these brands to come to the limelight. Leveraging these networks will provide a good platform for them to interact with potential consumers and promote their products. Running regular campaigns—stories, daily updates, landing page promotion, and so on—can give a competitive edge to these brands and market themselves effectively.

The above are some of the many ways organic and natural products can be marketed. Brand marketers should keep them in mind to strengthen their market share and get their sales registers ringing.

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