December 5, 2018

“Blood Purity,” Ancestry, and Supremacy Explained Through Harry Potter

“Blood Purity,” Ancestry, and Supremacy Explained Through Harry Potter

Featured Image from: Polygon When it comes to genetics, you can’t really choose your race, sex, or the physical health you’re born into. It’s a lottery, and some people can be born into rich families but have poor health, while others are born in poorer areas but rarely ever have to see the doctor. I’m […]

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DNA Testing is Helping Reunite Families

DNA Testing is Helping Reunite Families, But Is It a Safe Practice?

Whether you are for or against DNA testing, advocates of DNA databases would point out that tracing your genealogy has its benefits when you’re looking for long-lost family members. In a world with billions of people, using your DNA to find your biological parents is the most accurate way of determining who and where your

DNA Testing is Helping Reunite Families, But Is It a Safe Practice? Read More »

Games of Thrones

The Biological Dangers of Inbreeding, Explained with Science and Game of Thrones

You wouldn’t want to marry your aunt, uncle, cousin, or even your own sibling, and incestuous relationships are generally frowned upon by most civilizations, if not all. Some countries have laws that specify how distant cousins have to be in order to marry, while in Iceland, the population is so small that everyone is distantly

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DNA May Already Be in a Database

Thanks to Your Cousin or Your High School Genealogy Project, Your DNA May Already Be in a Database

Are you an American with European ancestry, have done a high school project trying to trace your genealogy through a registry, or might know a third cousin or someone closer who tried out a DNA registry just for fun? Well, chances are, you can already be identified in a government or private database. According to

Thanks to Your Cousin or Your High School Genealogy Project, Your DNA May Already Be in a Database Read More »

How DNA Tests Trace Your Ancestry

Not All White: How DNA Tests Trace Your Ancestry

Go on YouTube and you’ll find white YouTubers discovering they have Asian heritage for the first time. Yes, in an age of advanced technology, anyone can now discover their ancestral ethnicity with just one easy DNA test. Many commercial DNA registries offer to examine your DNA and determine your ancestors’ ethnicity, and usually, the results

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