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Bankable Methods to Pivot Your Marketing amid COVID-19

When the going gets rough, the tough get going. As cliché as it may sound, that’s exactly what is happening to business nowadays. And it may be getting even getting worse now with the advent of a more viral strain of COVID-19 wreaking havoc in Great Britain this winter. And casting untold fear worldwide in the process.

It’s a marketing conundrum of sorts. Customers are stuck in stay-in-place orders at home. Movement is discouraged. The results for business say it all. A study showed that about 41% of businesses have recorded above 30% loss in revenue.

Luckily, while there’s life, there’s hope. And so long as you are willing to welcome a new strategy, you should be able to come out of the ordeal on better terms.

Marketing over the years has been known to be responsible for increased sales and revenue. That’s why pivoting your marketing strategy these days should bid well for you. It’s true. Many business owners that tried old methods during this pandemic failed. That’s exactly why results matter. Here are three ways to pivot your marketing in COVID-19 times that have proven instrumental in the resuscitation of many dying businesses before you.

Go Virtual

The truth is marketing has gone virtual since the start of the pandemic. Everyone is home with their phones and laptops. So if ever they will come across your products and services, it would be online. So if your business hasn’t gone virtual, the time is now.

There’s a lot that can be done virtually. And you will be surprised to find out just how much you can achieve virtually.

Connect with your customers online. You can strengthen the trust your customers have in you virtually. Be as open as you can and be honest in the whole process. Let them know you care about them, even in the midst of all that is going on. This would help you keep customers.

When going virtual, think about advertising and getting your products/services out there. In digital advertising, you need a good plan and backup. That’s when you can effectively yield results.

Moreover, this is where tried-and-tested marketing experts should be timely. For instance, you can opt for the assistance of strategic marketing services. As these people have the experience and the tools, getting your marketing up a notch higher should be a breeze when marketing your brand.

Right off the bat, getting a fractional CMO to take over marketing in your business would be a great move. As they are outside looking in, these experts are better positioned to effect change — set things in order and get things done in no time.

person using a tablet

Work on Your Online Presence

Building an online presence in times like this is not an option. It’s a necessity. If everyone is home and the only way they can see your business is online, you need to let your brand stand out online.

For starters, enhance your website. You don’t want the first page of your business site to be a turnoff. You need something catchy that would attract people as they open the page.

Moreover, make your business page mobile-friendly. Start here. Mobile access online has been steadily eclipsing access via traditional means using a PC or a laptop.

Also, make sure it’s well-organized and easy to access. Another good tip is providing great content for customers to go through. That way, people would love to visit the site more often.

If you find all these to be too techie, get help. A professional to help rebuild your business website could be a great option to explore.

Create an Online Community

One other thing you can do to pivot marketing for your business is creating an online community. Let your customers have that sense of belonging. It helps them stick around more.

Now, this is dependent on what you offer to your customers. If, for example, you sell books, starting an online book club would be nice. And if you offer expert services to people having free online tutoring videos would be an awesome idea. To begin with, you can open a community chat box on your website. That way, people come together to share ideas and talk about the products/services.

The truth is there’s a lot that can be done depending on the industry you are in. Just think far and think wide. Be creative when coming up with ideas. This is not the time for the halfhearted. As the Marines used to say, it’s not about your best that matters. It’s about doing what it takes. And win big in the process.

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