office computers

Guide to Maintaining Office Computers and Software

Most modern workplaces have computers, meaning you’ll need to maintain more as a business owner. Find out how you can keep your computers and software running smoothly to prevent issues and make recovery processes more convenient.


Expect most office desktop computers to have a minimum three-year lifespan, meaning you need to have them upgraded regularly. When upgrading your office hardware, make sure to have a customized PC configurator to make it easier to arrange components in your regularly updated computer systems — making it easier for your staff members to adapt.

Regular upgrades and computer configuration help your office computers survive at least five to eight years.

Meet the Minimum Specs for Office Use 

Depending on the industry you’re in and your usual workload, specific departments will have minimum required specs for desktop computers. Although it differs for each business, on average, for Windows computers, a 2GHz or something faster, at least a 2GB RAM, and a minimum of 256GB of hard disk space is ideal.

Replace Hardware Regularly

According to experts, companies should expect to replace their office computers once every four years. This estimation is based on cost analysis and the average time it’ll take for the computer’s internal parts to wear out. However, if your staff is proactive and regularly takes care of their desktops, they can last at least a year longer.

Keep Them Secured

The best way to keep your company computers and software safe and maintained is by keeping them secured by having several security systems in place, including:

  • Using a firewall
  • Keeping all company software updated
  • Instructing staff to avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments in messages or emails
  • Utilizing antivirus software

Scan the Computers for Virus Regularly

Malware or computer virus attacks can sneak up on any office computer at any given moment, and when it eventually happens, having antivirus software on your desktops will protect them from getting damaged. For extra security, it’s best to perform weekly antivirus scans — ensuring your office computers and software are free from any malicious software infection.

If your staff is required to use the internet often and download programs or files regularly, it’s best to run a virus scan at least twice a week. After all, it’s better to be on the safer side of things. Malware infections will affect the performance of your office computers, exposing confidential business information to cybercriminals. Here are some signs that your office computers have a virus:

  • Slower web browser speeds
  • Irregular network connections
  • Frequent freezing or crashing of your systems

Running regular antivirus scans can help you ensure that nothing will slip by your office computer systems. That’s why make sure to choose an antivirus scan servicer that’ll scan all of the downloads your employees do.

various devices

Data Storage and Backup

It’s best to have multiple backups to make sure you keep your company information and other data stored in your computers safe in the event of an emergency. It’s best to buy multiple external hard drives to back up your computer. For instance, on Mac devices, the “Time Machine” program will automatically back your computer up as long as its backup drive is plugged in.

Additionally, you may do the same thing on PC through “Windows Backup.”

Purge System For Junk Files Regularly 

Office computers usually reveal their age based on the unopened files stored in their hard drives, and these old “junk files” occupy more space than needed. From older versions of software to outdated versions of office projects, your company computers are sure to have their share of “digital debris.” These can turn into performance hogs, slowing down your operations.

That’s why before your office computers get to that point, here are some things you can do to relieve your system from junk:

  • Run a disk cleanup software
  • Empty the recycle bin
  • Delete cache from offline websites

Update Your Passwords Often

Regularly updating your passwords, whether for the computer or software, is a vital task. That’s because over 80% of hacking-related breaches were made possible by stolen and weak passwords, which usually consist of simple passcodes like “password1.” When it comes to computer maintenance, you need to protect your system against unlawful individuals online — and the easiest way to do that is by updating your passwords.

Although no security system’s perfect, regularly changing your password can increase your office’s computer and software security levels, it’s best to make a password with at least ten characters combined with uppercase and lowercase letters alongside numbers and special symbols.

If your office’s computer performance seems to have become sluggish or randomly shuts down, it’s time to perform standard computer maintenance. The tips mentioned can help you get off to a good start, keeping your office computer and software performance at their peak.

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