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Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: Top Trends to Consider

Throughout much of our lives, we use a myriad of different products and tools. Whether it’s canned goods, electronic devices, clothes, or beauty products, most of our lives depend on consumer goods that we use daily. However, we can’t deny that consuming many of these products will often produce waste and garbage. Many of these human waste and garbage are known for being top contributors to pollution.

In fact, recent studies have shown that the United States is known for producing around 236 million tons of solid waste annually. It’s important to note that this does not take into account industrial wastes. Even estimates suggest that industrial waste can go as high as 7.6 billion tons every year.

But with recent advancements in technological innovations, many manufacturers are now able to produce more “sustainable” materials that can reduce waste. Sustainable materials and the processing of these materials can come in many forms, but most of the time, these materials are known for being easily recyclable.

Sustainability in Manufacturing

Throughout the past few years, “sustainability” has been a buzzword that many companies and businesses use. But there’s more than what meets the eye with sustainability. As the name suggests, sustainability is being able to have a “balance” between waste prevention and impacting the environment while emphasizing the health and safety of the workforce.

Of course, sustainability doesn’t just stop reducing pollution and preventing waste: its goals are deeply rooted in optimizing the production process and the overall profitability. Recent advancements in software compatibility, data collection, and research can make almost any business and corporation sustainable and level the playing field among competing industries.

So what are some sustainable trends that are currently in an upward trend as of the moment? Here are some things that you’ll need to know.

Does It Matter?

But before anything else, we’ll need to answer an important question many people have been asking for quite a long time: does it matter? For many money moguls and business owners, why should sustainability matter when profit and streamlining the manufacturing process answer many business-related problems? Why sacrifice the efficiency of the workplace for the environment? These are just some rebuttals that many businesses have regarding sustainability.

Contrary to what most people think, sustainability is more than just saving the environment since it’s also about getting the most results while cutting down on the use of resources and raw materials. Remember: sustainability is everyone’s problem, and it is also everybody’s solution to economic and business problems.

Cutting Down on Fossil Fuel

Perhaps one of the biggest trends in sustainability in the past few years is cutting down on the use of fossil fuel and raw materials that could contribute to solid waste and pollution. Although raw materials are integral to how products are being made, fossil fuel is now being replaced by sustainable ways of producing energy without harming the environment.

One key innovation in the manufacturing industry that can help cut down on CO2 emissions is risk-free antioxidant rebalancing. These environmentally-friendly oil treatments for turbines effectively eliminate compressor oil purchases while having a 100% success rate. Essentially, it’s a win-win situation when your manufacturing equipment will work smoothly while also benefiting the environment.

A Culture of Cleanliness

Many manufacturers can reduce different obstacles and inefficiencies that have plagued many pharmaceutical companies that produce medicine or industrial facilities that produce goods.

One known trend and innovation currently being used for healthcare and pharmaceutical facilities is in the form of antimicrobial copper alloys. These types of metals are known for killing disease-causing pathogens, even after the metal has been recontaminated. These alloys are known for being quite effective that many government agencies have recognized that this could be a precursor for many other bacteria-killing solid surface materials.

Reusable Packaging


Lastly, another important trend that has effectively reduced solid and industrial waste is reusable packaging. Many shipping and delivery businesses have been using these packages to cushion monthly expenditures that would otherwise be spent on packaging foods.

Although this might have a hefty price when you have to pay for this packaging, the upfront investment will definitely pay off in the long-term. Using and handling these types of packaging repeatedly means that you won’t necessarily have to spend too much after months or years. Customers will also see the commitment of your business, which can help build better trust from the public.

Sustainability isn’t just something that businesses and industries can profit in: everyone else can also profit from it. The environment has always been part of our lifestyle, and it’s only appropriate that we take care of mother nature that has sustained us.

Are these innovations the pinnacle of sustainable trends? Well, not necessarily. There are bound to be more advancements in the coming years, and people should be excited about what the future holds.

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