
The Benefits of the Rise of Webinars to Businesses

Before the coronavirus pandemic came about and changed how things were done in our personal and professional lives, things used to be done in person. We used to prefer discussing matters with people face-to-face rather than through phone calls. Pre-COVID-19, arranging an in-person meeting was done without fear and was as easy as shooting up an email to our colleagues.

But today, the current predicament the whole world is in is making it impossible to conduct meetings that used to be in a single room filled with people surrounding a table. Doing that at this time would mean going against mandates by health and law authorities when it comes to distancing and isolation to avoid contracting and spreading the virus.

Seminars were as easy as putting up invitations online and having them come and register at the venue on the day itself. We used to be able to attend numerous events that can accommodate hundreds and thousands of attendees. The same still stands today but with a lack of physical presence.

What are we relying on these days?

Thanks to the advancements in digital technology, reaching and seeing people we need to communicate with, whether for personal or professional reasons, is as easy as tapping a few times. There are even technologies that can be commanded through a human’s voice.

For businesses, video teleconferencing or webinar platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and the like had their popularity skyrocket from the day the pandemic became an international health emergency.

Even the educational system had to adjust. Classes are done through the same platforms.

What are webinars?

The term webinar pertains to conferences and meetings with one or more individuals at any time and any place. Participation in a webinar doesn’t need one to travel anywhere to be present.

Webinar software such as Cisco WebEx Events, Adobe Connect, Zoom, and other recommended and trusted software make it possible for people to continue communicating with other people despite mobility restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the persistent virus.

Webinars cater to businesses, employees, students, and individuals who use them for personal matters. They work by connecting one or more people in a single virtual meeting room with microphones and cameras to allow for a better communication flow. There’s also an option to type in and send text, share files, do presentations, and send reactions through emoticon features integrated into the software.

According to Good Firms, the coronavirus pandemic has forced businesses to switch to webinars from personal meetings to keep the work flowing. There’s no denying that webinars have been around before the virus’s arrival, but they weren’t as preferred when we were still allowed to be in a single room with other people.

For seminars conducted by groups or individuals, there is still an online registration process required by the organizers from the attendees. Since we all know that some seminars—online or offline—require paid tickets.

Why are webinars beneficial to businesses?

employees having a video conference

COVID-19 causing massive business disruptions pushed businesses to innovate ways on how they will continue making a profit. But some succumbed to the difficulties posed by not being allowed to take customers in, such as small restaurants that can’t be kept alive by delivery services.

On the flip side, some businesses are managing to stay afloat and thriving when everything is conducted without physical interactions. Here are some reasons why webinars are good for businesses whose needs are served by webinar software:

1. Businesses are learning how to deliver value in new ways

Going online gave businesses room to innovate when reaching out to customers, tailoring their products to timely needs, and delivering products while following health protocols.

2. They can reach more people

Webinar software allows people from all parts of the world to join a single meeting room. This basic feature allows businesses to reach more people than they can ever reach before they went online. Especially if they used to rely exclusively on brick-and-mortar trade.

3. There are more ways to keep customers engaged

With better digital marketing tactics coming up as businesses adjust to the new digital normal way of doing business, webinar software providers are going out of their way to produce quirky features for their users.

Should we continue using webinars?

If your business or personal needs are being served with justice, the answer is a definite yes. If you can get all that you need without going against health protocols or putting yourself and other people at risk, there is no need to stop using webinar software when it comes to your communication needs.

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