
What 2018 Taught Us About Website Design

Designing a WebsiteIn an increasingly competitive market, your business website would not stand a chance if it does not have key elements that will catch viewers’ attention — enough to make a purchase, or at the very least, inquire about your products or services.

Unfortunately, these key elements aren’t the same every year. Developers and specialists offering website design services learn something new every year about how viewers want to behold, navigate and engage websites. Here are a few web design must-dos that have been highlighted in 2018.

White space is key to clean designs

Cleanliness in design means it is easy for the eyes to find the information that the mind seeks. Your site visitors will ask the questions, what, why, where, when and how. By using straight lines, strategic font sizing and the right placement of images, you can support this thought process.

According to Awwwards.com, the best 2018 websites also used ample white spaces to have a cleaner less cluttered look and feel. Put yourself in the place of the user, would you stay in a website that is too stressful on the eyes and were full of unnecessary elements?

Designing a Website in 2018

 Great photography elicit an emotional response

Think of a marketing photo for a beverage. Right off the gate, you should not only get a flat image of the product (non-alcoholic spirit drinks, in this example). The designers show viewers an image of man pouring himself a drink. There is movement, a call to action and relevance — all in one simple photograph.

It is not the ordinary photo, which web users tend to gloss over as they have probably seen something like it a thousand times before.

A website must be fast-loading and mobile ready

You can use Pingdom or Pagespeed Insights by Google to check how fast your website loads. The bottom line is no one wants to wait forever. And your web visitors will, in a heartbeat, just move on to another website if yours is taking too long to load.

You are sure to lose a lot of businesses opportunities if you haven’t yet improved on the loading speed of your website on all types of devices. According to Forbes, these two are non-negotiable.

Less is more even when it comes to options

According to Hick’s Law, the number of choices people have is directly proportional to the time they take to make a decision. And your goal should be to convert leads as soon as possible.

So, offer better options, not necessarily more. The logic is simple — if you offer the same thing as everybody else, your potential customers will most probably just go for the least expensive option. If you, however, offer better, long-term solutions, you become invaluable in their eyes.

Your website plays an ever-important role in your business success and growth. Going for top-notch website design services will pay off because in such a highly competitive marketplace, it is easy to be invisible as it is to be seen.

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