marketing plan

6 Modern Marketing Tools Every Business Should Have in 2021

In today’s digital transformation age, almost every business has at least one technological tool incorporated into its daily operations regardless of its scope or magnitude. In truth, it’s hard to imagine a business these days succeeding without tapping the different marketing tools that rely on technology.

The bottom line: businesses have to embrace technology if they want to enjoy a great measure of triumph in an increasingly modern and cutthroat industry.

Now, if you own a business or you’re just looking into the possibility of running your own venture in the near future, you should know which marketing tools you should invest in that could enhance your chances of success.

Here are six modern marketing tools every business should have this year:

Search engine optimization.

SEO or search engine optimization has been around for many years now, and millions of businesses have benefited from this very powerful and game-changing marketing tool. In the hands of an expert SEO management service provider, your business can rank high in search engine results pages (SERP) and become highly visible to visitors looking for information using specific keywords.

If your website has high-quality and original content that contains high-ranking keywords and your SEO team manages your campaigns well, you can enjoy tremendous organic traffic that could translate to actual sales. Practically all of today’s most successful brands and businesses have a dedicated SEO marketing team, so be sure to hire one to run tailored campaigns for your business.

SEO practice

Content marketing platform.

Content has long been considered as a major battleground for businesses that want to establish their respective online superiority. Accordingly, you need to have a strong and feature-rich content marketing platform that would allow you to reach your target audience through great content that delivers your brand’s messages.

Among the most widely-used content marketing tools are Hubspot, Populr, and Adobe Marketing Cloud. These platforms offer unique features and benefits that cater to different content marketing requirements, so be sure to do some research to gauge which platform can deliver the results that you need for your business.


If you need a powerful, easy-to-use content management tool that would allow you to strategize content production and publishing, as well as brainstorm for content topics, then Trello should be a great candidate.

Available in free and paid versions, Trello is perfect for small businesses with a limited budget for their content marketing campaigns. By using cards, you can assign different employees to work on various content-related tasks, so you can easily track who’s doing what to avoid problems with deadlines. This collaboration tool makes brainstorming, assigning, and tracking content-related projects easy, which is why a lot of businesses use it to a great extent.

Google Analytics.

If you need an excellent website analytics tool that won’t cost you a single dollar, then be sure to get Google Analytics soon.

This mighty marketing tool offers excellent insights into your visitor demographics, the pages they engage with for the longest time, and other data-based information. By studying data generated by Google Analytics from your website engagement, you can make informed decisions on how best to do your marketing campaigns, particularly when it comes to your website.


Do you have several social media accounts with ongoing campaigns? If you do, then you should use Hootsuite soon.

This marketing tool allows you to schedule posts in advance, so you won’t have to manually post them one by one on different social media platforms. Additionally, Hootsuite lets you craft pre-written responses and easily reply to various comments and mentions left by visitors in your different social media accounts using just one dashboard. If time is most important to you, then this is one powerful marketing tool you should not miss out on.


Is there a marketing tool powerful enough to deliver a knockout punch like a sumo wrestler? Yes, there is, and it goes by a name that illustrates what a heavyweight it is when it comes to useful features.

Most notably, BuzzSumo allows users to see specific content types that are popular with audiences and rank high on search engines. This powerful insight means that you can tailor your content marketing efforts to satisfy both the search engines and your target audience. This kind of X-ray vision could eliminate any guesses as to what type of content would work since you have hard data telling which article types actually produce results.

If you want to be as successful as the biggest companies in your industry, you need to put a lot of work into your marketing efforts. With these six modern marketing tools, you can achieve just that as long as you do things the right way.

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