house interior

What You Should Know to Build an Eco-friendly House

Your home is your castle, and you want to use the best materials possible when building that castle to ensure that the foundation is strong and will last for a lifetime. Consider your home to be an investment wherein you know that you will have not only the best quality materials but also those that are good for the environment.

These days, more homeowners are looking into the benefits of building “green buildings.” In a report by the Independent, celebrities like Lisa Ling, Prince Charles, and Bryan Cranston live the green way of building. The eco-friendly house trend is also shaping up to be popular with the millennials looking into the construction of “wellness-minded” residences.

In an article by SIPS, an eco-friendly home is a home that is built to have a low impact and give limited damage to the environment. Thus, the materials being used to build the home have low carbon emissions and are deemed self-sufficient when it comes to heat and power. Some advantages of building an eco-friendly home are that it will help you reduce the cost of your energy bills, reduce your carbon print impact on the environment, and having a no-fuss construction.

Also, an eco-friendly home could increase your home’s value. The United States Green Building Council says that an initial investment in a green building would make your property more valuable, with an average increase in value by four percent. Many are attracted to the concept of a home that is low maintenance.

Do you want to build your eco-friendly home but don’t know where to start? Continue reading.

Quality Is Something That You Pay For

home furniture

The main caveat when buying something is that you pay for its quality. One common mistake of many homeowners is that they tend to buy lower quality products to save on costs, only to have the product break down on them after just a few months of usage.

Think about it, when you purchase a water heater of lower quality or coming from a less-than-stellar company, chances are you might regret buying it after it dies out on you. Added to that, you will have to pay for repairs, or worse, you will have to buy a new unit altogether. It might seem like it will be a major dent in your pocket, but you will be saving yourself a bundle on repairs and maintenance in the long run, and you will have fewer headaches about your unit dying out on you at a crucial time.

Check your water systems

An eco-friendly home also looks into means to allow your house to have adequate amounts of hot water on demand. Unvented cylinders have become popular in many households because of their ability to provide stronger water pressure than an open vented system. They also offer higher flow rates, which means better shower and bath performance for your homes.

Change your Lighting Fixtures

There might be fixtures in your homes that are “energy-suckers,” and you might not even be aware of it. For instance, your choice of lighting may be consuming more energy than needed. Instead of going for the regular bulbs, why not opt for LED lights instead? These bulbs use less electricity and are considered to be more environmentally friendly than their regular counterparts. You can also expect to save money on electricity bills in the long run.

Start A Compost Pit and Make Use of A Recycling Bin

One of the things that homeowners can do for sustainable living is to be mindful of disposing of household waste. Things like coffee grounds, eggshells, and banana peels can be turned into compost for fertilizer for your plants. Nowadays, recycling will not be enough for you to do your part to save the planet. By minimizing your household waste and turning what you can into something sustainable, you save the planet from turning into a landfill.

Go Green When It Comes to Decorating your House

Since the pandemic, more homeowners have looked for ways to be more productive with their time. Many have decided to tend to their gardens and plant herbs, flowers, and fruit trees. Many have even adopted indoor plants into their home. Not only will these become a natural air humidifier, but plants are also pleasing to the eye and can make your home a more pleasant environment to be in. What’s more, when you plant a tree beside your home, you can protect your house from the heat of the sun during the summer months.

Living green is more than just a trend; it should be a lifestyle. After all, what better way to live a legacy to the generations that will come after than by ensuring that they will still have a planet to call home?

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