digital marketing

Best Types of Content for Social Media Marketing

Almost everyone is now on social media. In the past, social media was generally a platform for making and meeting friends. In recent years, however, social media platforms have become a fertile ground for business marketing. There are, after all, a few places where you can meet as huge a potential market as on these platforms. With this realization, companies are rushing to open pages across all platforms and get a size of this market pie.

Without a social media management expert from Raleigh, NC to guide your marketing on these platforms, your returns will be generally dismal. This is because social media marketing is not a case of “everything goes.” You should post the right content to guarantee ROI. The following are the best-performing content options in social media marketing.

User-Generated Content

This is the best option to boost your engagement on social media platforms. It also makes your new and existing followers feel like they are playing a massive part in your business’ success. You can repost customer content that mentions your brand and credit the customer in your posts. More often than not, the client will share the reposts to friends. The key to finding user-generated content lies in constant monitoring of your brand mentions using different tools.



Though podcasts have been around for long, they have recently gained a considerable following. Since Twitter and Facebook do not allow you to upload podcasts directly, you can share the links to your podcasts on these platforms. Alternatively, you can opt to create a static image or video over the podcast and upload it on these platforms as a video. You should first identify what your audience wants then make a podcast about it to reach a large audience.


These are a must for all businesses with a Facebook presence. After the livestream, you can make the video available for other people who might have missed it. You can use the livestreams for lead generation by including a form to access different products you are talking about. Instagram and YouTube also have livestreaming platforms, which work for most businesses.


Infographics are informative and eye-catching and will reach out to a broad audience and get more online engagement. They also allow you to get a lot of shares on social media platforms. There are different online tools for creating infographics, but it is best to get a professional to develop yours.

VR Content

Virtual reality is a big hit among social media users. This enables you to generate content that will allow clients to interact with you. Most people assume all they need is a 360 VR camera and some images. It, however, requires expertise to take quality images even with a good camera.

Social media will generate some key metrics, which will help you know what your audience needs. The social signals will also be among the factors that search engines will evaluate to determine your content’s relevancy. As such, the above forms of content on your social media platforms will not only help you remain relevant among an online audience but also boost your search engine position.

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