Aerial view of a trade show

Ways Trade Show Apps Improve Attendees’ Engagement

Perhaps you love going to conferences, learning new things, and getting inspired about your career path. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to scramble to figure out what to do, how to get the most out of yourself, and where you are going. As such, you might need an event app to make everything as simple as possible.

An event attendee might have to tote around a lot of gear such as a water bottle, business cards, and notebooks. You might also need assistance when attending an event in a city you are not familiar with. That’s when a custom trade show app comes into play as it is designed for that specific ceremony. Custom apps are faster and function smoothly on smartphones than mobile websites. Below are ways you can utilize trade show apps to improve the experience of attendees:


You can use apps to receive reminders whenever a new product is launched at a conference. However, most apps have limited times that a user can check out a demo. With trade show mobile apps, attendees can receive push notifications in-between sessions and before they consider the next thing in their schedule.

Quick Feedback

Trade shows can inundate attendees with a lot of content. It is probable that the details that attendees like and don’t like about an event won’t be fresh in the mind once everything is over. Most of them will remember only their overall feeling about the ceremony, but not the specifics. This will make it hard to get insights for the next conference. However, these apps let users submit their reviews and ratings to make it easier for users to memorize all the details.


Businessmen shaking handsOf course, the critical part of attending a conference is to connect with like-minded people. Trade apps are equipped with a feature that let attendees interact and plan meetings. You can also create a trade show app with all the information that conference attendees will require to make them feel delighted.

Virtual Attendance

Trade show mobile apps are essential for attendees who would want to find their way to prestigious events around the world as well as those who couldn’t make it. These apps use plenty of content to highlight events, speakers, and winners. A trade show app will also keep attendees engaged and feeling secure at the venue.


It’s never a surprise for something to change at the last minute. Re-printing newsletters can be costly, and the chances are that they won’t be ready in time if a ceremony has already kicked off. However, easy-to-update apps mean that attendees will always keep up with changes in information.

Of course, no one expects their event to be unsuccessful. However, successful events come at a cost because everything that involves detailed planning can increase the risk of disappointing guests. Fortunately, a trade show app can give your team peace of mind and streamline the user experience. In short, these apps take the anxiety around things that will happen during a conference to keep everyone focused on what has brought them there.

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