Man shaking hand of applicant

Career Talk: The Opportunities in the Business Industry

The world of business is ever-changing, but what remains the same is its surplus of profitable opportunities. Individuals who are inclined to this industry often have great ideas and discoveries that allow them to produce goods or services that simplify people’s lives.

For instance, manufacturers of electronic gadgets make daily corporate tasks and personal communication convenient for every user. Those who run fast-food restaurants cater to customers who want to satisfy their hunger without having to exert efforts in the kitchen. Simply put, there’s always a creative mind behind a business of every type and size.

However, if you want to enter the world of business but running or supervising an enterprise is not your jam, fret not. There are plenty of career opportunities in the market that doesn’t require heading a company. Accordingly, by exploring your options, you can find one that suits you. Here are several career pathways you may want to look into:

Human Resources Manager

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, human resources managers are tasked with planning, coordinating, and directing a company’s administrative functions. Although they more commonly manage the recruitment and hiring of employees, the human resources field is not limited to staffing. Some specialize in areas like labor relations and payroll.

Human resources managers may work with top-level executives to discuss matters on maximizing the employees’ corporate value. This entails evaluating productivity and recommending alterations on the business structure to help the company meet objectives.

To land a position, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree, preferably in human resources but other fields like communications, finance, business management, or even education work as well. Lastly, courses in industrial technology or conflict management may be beneficial, though not a requisite.

Communications Officer

Communications officers are experts who are responsible for establishing and facilitating both external and internal communication of a business. Primarily, they are tasked with crafting a positive brand image for the company they’re working for. This involves overseeing the proper dissemination of organizational information, such as newsletters, announcements, and memorandums. Moreover, they usually compose public statements, communicate with media contacts, monitor website content, and regulate public relations.

Business Continuity Manager

Business continuity management (BCM) is a framework meant for determining an enterprise’s risk of being exposed to both external and internal threats. Thus, its main objective is to give companies a strategy to respond effectively to these threats and protect their business interests.

In addition, according to Infosec Resources, business continuity managers utilize BCM to analyze risks and draft the first line of defense against threats. They also predict potential problems and help organizations work their way through them. These professionals usually specialize in their respective niches, which include crisis management, disaster recovery, and contingency planning.

Business Professor

Career as a business professor

Now, if you want to avoid business operational duties altogether, why not pursue a career in education? Robbie Bruens of Concordia University in Portland explains that business professors instruct students in various subjects that are relevant for starting or managing a business. They work in institutions of higher learning such as universities, community colleges, graduate schools, and even technical skills centers. The courses that they teach include subjects like accounting, finance, business administration, ethics, human resources, and marketing.

There are many career pathways in the business industry for every job seeker. Therefore, it’s not fruitful to limit yourself to running a business. Conduct extensive research and assess which job best suits your skills and interests.

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