eco friendly

Eco-Friendly Checklist Before Branding Yourself as a Green Company

If there’s one business aspect you should highlight in 2021, it’s your eco-friendliness. In recent years, consumers have become more conscious of the role of businesses in protecting the environment. They demand better and expect companies to do their part in preserving our natural resources.

Some studies show that they are willing to pay more for green products and services. In fact, when start-ups hire grant writers, they are explicitly told to highlight the eco-friendliness of the company.

However, merely slapping the word “green” all over your marketing materials won’t cut it. Consumers are also quick to spot hypocrisy. Businesses that have been haphazardly advertising themselves as “eco-friendly” but fail to live up to that label have been exposed by angry mobs on social media.

So, to truly market your company as an eco-friendly brand, here are some points to keep in mind.

Determine if Your Brand is Truly Eco-Friendly

It might sound like a no-brainer, but several companies have fallen into the trap of using the “eco” branding when, in fact, customers found it easy to spot lapses in their products and production. Before you brand yourself as green, you have to make sure that you are a real green business.

If you still find lapses in your company, it’s better to bridge these gaps first before emblazoning your logo with a green seal. Here are some pointers to help you gauge your eco-friendliness:

eco friendly bag

  • Product Durability — The word reduce is mentioned first in the slogan Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for a good reason. It’s better to prevent waste generation than reuse or recycle waste. As such, reducing waste generation means people have to buy products that last — products that would give them years of service and eliminate the need to buy replacements every so often. If your products are single-use or are more likely to be out of fashion in a few months, it may not be wise to launch a green marketing campaign. ;
  • Recycled Packaging — Packaging matters to the discerning customer. It would be hard to convince consumers that you are eco-friendly if your packaging isn’t (unless it is absolutely needed, like food and medical products). It’s best to invest in biodegradable or recyclable packaging. This gives the packaging a chance not to be part of the waste problem. It’s even better if the packaging is already recycled. ;
  • Green Supply and Distribution Chain — Your customers can also contest how you manufacture and distribute your products. Make sure you are making your best effort to reduce carbon footprint. For instance, you can invest in a carbon-friendly fleet. It will make you look good in the eyes of your investors, on top of your customers. It will also save you a lot in terms of operating costs.

Get Your Employees Involved

Some of today’s businesses use their employees as brand ambassadors. They post employee-generated content on their social media accounts. This idea brings a lot of exposure to companies, but it’s a double-edged sword. If the employees don’t uphold eco-friendly practices in the office, it might go against the company’s green branding. Make sure your employees understand that they should uphold your brand’s values if they are called to represent it.

As such, it pays to educate your staff about the eco-friendly thrusts of the brand. It’s better if they know who your suppliers are and where the materials originate. The more transparent you are to them about your production process, the better. It would be best to come up with concrete eco-friendly protocols that employees should follow during their shift.

Once you have this all plotted out, you can be confident about putting the word “green” alongside your business name in your marketing materials. You’re assured that you won’t be at the mercy of inquisitive consumers and that your company is doing its best to protect the environment.

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