
Job Hunting During the Pandemic: How to Land a Job at a Difficult Time

Unemployment rates are at 11.1% this July. If you would imagine, one out of 10 people is unemployed in the US. Until the pandemic is over, this number will likely grow. Since the times have changed, candidates now experience a new world of job hunting, wherein they are expected to be proactive. They have to put themselves out there more than they used to because of the limited job market.

As such, many people are having a hard time looking for good opportunities. There’s not a perfect plan for job hunting, but here are some tips to help you with your job search during this difficult time:

1. Update Your Resume

In the past, resumes with a recap of a candidate’s previous responsibilities are enough to get a hiring manager’s attention. However, that’s not the case anymore. Right now, resumes are expected to contain the candidate’s accomplishments. This information should be reflected using numbers and statistics. Since the job market has been competitive, it’s no longer enough to say that you consistently reach your quotas. Your resumes must also show how much percent at a time and how big those sales accounts are.

It would also help to include a one-sentence summary of your career at the top of your resume. You can talk about how you learned excellence, agility, resiliency, and other technical abilities that a recruiter may look for. Steer away from cliché corporate words like “team player” and “value-adding.” If you can’t write a good summary, don’t write one at all.

2. Align Your Social Media Resume

Talent acquisition specialists lift most of their candidates from online career sites like LinkedIn. So, candidates are expected to keep their online resumes updated to a T. Along with a recap of your previous responsibilities and accomplishments, make sure that you indicate your start dates and end dates at every job. Most of these social media or online resume sites have an option where you can inform recruiters if you are actively seeking new opportunities, don’t forget to turn it on.

3. Practice Your Interviews


Most interviews happen through phone calls or Zoom during this time. It doesn’t only help cut office expenses but also protects both candidates and the interviewer from contracting the virus. Before the interview, make sure to take the time to learn the video app you will be using. It eliminates errors and delays that you may encounter. You should also make sure that you are in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted, and the interviewer will hear you well.

This new norm can be beneficial to candidates. You can easily practice your interviews with a friend or a family member. You can even draft your answers to typical questions and read them during the interview.

4. Patience is Key

As much as you are having a difficult time, companies are also having their crises, so they may take a while to fill roles. The waiting can be a pain, but it is necessary. In addition to this, since we are all in a difficult time, be flexible with your terms. Candidates should not take a position that they don’t like, but if possible, be flexible when it comes to other things like pay, location, and hours.

5. Boost Your Skills

During this time of waiting, it may be best to learn some new skills that can be beneficial for your resume. Corporate positions often look for people who know how to manipulate data with Excel or Google Sheets. Another option is to learn a trade like how to repair Psion handheld gadgets and equipment. Whatever it may be, you can easily find some tutorials or short training courses on YouTube or other online training sites.

It took the US ten years to recover from the Great Depression and six years from the 2008 Financial Crisis. The US was hit multiple times but always managed to recover every time. As the economy is still reviving, do not be afraid to take risks and adapt to the new normal. Improve yourself and be ready for every challenge. You may be competing with a lot more people for a role right now, but if you come ready, you’ll emerge victoriously.

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