January 2019

Employees working

How to Market Your Business Effectively

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses advertise or promote their business. These days, virtually any business can get reach their target audience and increase conversion without resorting to print media, TV ads, or billboards. The digital platform is not only everywhere; it’s also more affordable and accessible for companies and consumers alike. Whether you’re

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IT experts checking DB

How to Plan an IT Security Strategy for Branch Offices

Safeguarding data through proper IT security measures is a must for businesses that send and receive data via IP networks. They have systems in place for ensuring that their information remains secure. The problem is these security strategies are usually focused only at the headquarters or corporate level, even if the company has multiple branch

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Scientist having a huddle

3 Uses of HPLC You Didn’t Know Are Important to You

For scientists to effectively investigate different substances and phenomena, they use various tools, technologies, and techniques. One of these is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Before its highly technical-sounding name distracts you, HPLC is an important tool with a wide range of benefits you actually enjoy, possibly without knowing it. What is HPLC? It is a

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Marketing team having a meeting

Effective Inbound Marketing Strategies: Bringing Customers to Your Business

Even with the many marketers scrambling for space, the digital environment keeps changing. To remain afloat, you need to find ways to reach your audience consistently. While outbound marketing is crucial, Internet users are paying for ad blockers. Inbound marketing seeks to close this gap by reaching clients through relevant and non-interruptive content. This is

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Effective Business Marketing With NFC Technology

It was in Dubai that near field communication (NFC) technology first emerged, and other countries soon embraced it because of its potential for different industries. In Japan alone, roughly 70 million NFC-enabled devices are being used in restaurants, newsstands, convenience stores and other establishments. The use of NFC applications continues to be explored and encouraged

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man standing in front of a cave entrance

It’s Possible to Spelunk Even if You’re Claustrophobic

Caves aren’t a claustrophobic’s happy place. Confined spaces devoid of light — sometimes only the span of two palms — are the last things you’d want to be in. You have to admit, however, that there’s a certain high in braving the dark and exploring the unexplored, so much so that you’ve even considered visiting

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Incorporating IT Approaches into Small Businesses

There are two perspectives of information technology (IT) that small businesses can consider for incorporation into their organization. Strategic IT involves the use of IT to improve efficiency, create opportunities, and interact with customers and vendors. On the other hand, operational IT refers to the use of IT to support the various functions of businesses,

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Prime Your Business for Success with the Right Choice of Industrial-Grade Heating Device

A fire is a terrifying thing that can traumatize many families and individuals. Sometimes, when it occurs in a household or a workplace, the chances of getting out unscathed are close to none. It’s always best to take measures to prevent fires, and for the most part, people do. However, it’s alarming that many fires

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