Employees discussing using a laptop

Now That You’ve Moved Your Business to the Cloud, What’s Next?

Employees discussing using a laptopNowadays, the cloud is no longer just an excellent strategy for cutting costs. It has become an effective business enabler, essentially providing businesses with the ability to be a lot more innovative, flexible, and faster.

However, while more and more businesses adopt cloud computing, some recognize too late that cloud adoption is merely the beginning. To avoid becoming one of these companies, ensure that you make the most of your investment and in turn, cloud experience, by employing the following tips from Austin’s top cloud hosting provider.

Leverage server-less cloud computing

This strategy is essentially an execution method capable of dynamically distributing resources according to demand. Also called Function as a Service (FaaS), this method breaks up apps into separate functions conducted as separate tasks that are easily scalable whenever necessary.

This means that even when working in conventional cloud computing, you would essentially be renting space in a container or server that is constantly operating in FaaS, and you would only pay whenever your function operates. Server-less computing provides more benefits than conventional cloud usage, such as reduced costs, increased scalability, and quicker time to market.

Take advantage of SaaS business intelligence

Cloud-based business analytics provides significant advantages over onsite analytics. For instance, you would no longer need to have a dedicated data center and concern yourself with patching and upgrades. Your cloud provider would also perform all the maintenance work.

Likewise, cloud-based business intelligence (BI) solutions are typically employed as a pay-as-you-use model, meaning that you no longer have to worry about licensing and maintenance costs.

They’re also capable of automating report generation and data discovery and offering improved agility, more configurable capabilities, as well as increased data security.

Consider data de-duplication

Graphs being shown on a laptopBusinesses that depend on a high volume of redundant tasks are always burdened with bandwidth and server space management. Fortunately, you could utilize data de-duplication through storing only unique bits of information rather than entire file groups.

Transferring and storing fewer data over networks likewise means better security since your disaster recovery also covers data that you have not stored previously.

Sending fewer backup data likewise means less cooling requirements, which in turn helps lower your carbon footprint. De-duplication could be conducted on either the server or client side and could lower storage requirements by up to 80 percent.

Opt for the multi-cloud approach

Using a multi-cloud architecture, which basically means using different cloud providers, could offer significant benefits. Doing so could harness more features, speed, or capacity of different providers and achieve greater redundancy.

Put simply, when you use a multi-cloud architecture, you would be able to allocate your resources across various providers that suit your needs best.

To leverage the real power of cloud computing, think of it as scaling software and hardware to certain tasks — not a be-all, end-all solution. Taking advantage of the different benefits cloud computing has to offer would help you cut down costs, manage potential risks, and keep your business future-proof and more secure.

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